Hoisting in JS

Hello Friends, In this blog I'm going to talk about hoisting.

Hoisting means, we can access the variables and functions even before initializing it, without any error.

Hoisting with var and normal function.

1. console.log(getMsg);
2. getMsg();

3. function getMsg() {
4.   console.log("Hello");
5. }

6. console.log(num);
7. var num = 7;
8. console.log(num);


In case of function :

At line 1 we consoled the getMsg function and it printed the whole code of the function.

At line 2 we called the getMsg() function and it printed the Hello.

And in case of variable :

At line no 6 we consoled the num variable and it printed undefined.

At line no 7 we assigned value to the num variable.

At line no 8 we again consoled the num and this time it printed the value of num variable i.e 7.

Why it behaves like this?

Because, Even before executing single line of code the memory is allocated to every variable and function.

In case of variables JS engine stores the special keyword 'undefined' to it, until we put some value or assign value to that particular variable.

In case of functions JS engine stores the whole code of the function.

Hoisting with an Arrow function.

1. console.log(getMsg);
2. getMsg();

3. var getMsg = () => {
4.   console.log("Hello");
5. }


At line no1 we consoled the getMsg and it printed undefined.

At line no2 we called the getMsg() function and it threw an error. getMsg is not a function.

The reason for that is, In case of the arrow function , it behaves like another variable.

Only in case of normal function it stores the whole code of the function.

But we can access it after assigning value to it.

var getMsg = () => {


That's about hoisting.

Hope You liked it.